Kory, a 16-year-old boy, attempted to jump down a flight of stairs on his skateboard but landed facedown on his chest and stomach, where he stayed until found. He was not wearing a helmet, and he hit the pavement with his head. Two bones were protruding from his right ankle.
16歳、男性、コーリーは、スケートボードで 階段から飛び降りた際に、着地に失敗し、胸部と腹部を受傷した。彼は、ヘルメットを着用しておらず、歩道に頭部を受傷し、さらに右足関節を受傷した。
Q1: Which of the following bones are most likely fractured?
A: Ulna/Radius 尺骨/橈骨
B: Acromion/Humerus 肩峰/上腕骨
C: Tibia/Fibula 脛骨/腓骨
D: Patella/Fibula 膝蓋骨/腓骨
Q2: What part of his spinal column do you want to keep immobilized so as not to move any of its seven vertebrae?
A: Cervical 頸椎
B: Thoracic 胸椎
C: Sacrum 仙骨
D: Coccyx 尾骨
Q3: If Kory were to develop pain in his right upper quadrant, what organ may be causing the pain?
A: Liver 肝臓
B: Stomach 胃
C: Spleen 脾臓
D: Appendix 虫垂
Q4: If Kory were to go into shock from his injuries, what type of shock will he most likely experience?
A: Cardiogenic 心原性
B: Obstructive 閉塞性
C: Hypovolemic 循環血液量減少性
D: Septic 敗血症性
Q5: Which of the following pulses is located near Kory’s leg injury?
A: Brachial 上腕動脈
B: Dorsalis pedis 足背動脈
C: Ulnar 尺骨動脈
D: Superficial temporal 浅側頭動脈